Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Five Borough Challenge - Stop #3: Louie and Ernie's in the Bronx

The Bronx - Louie and Ernie's

Guest post by Turkel

With many of the city's largest Italian neighborhoods, it should come
as no surprise that the Bronx offers some of the city's best pizza.
Strangely, a simple Google search for "Bronx Pizza" generally features
hit results for a pizzeria located in San Diego, California.  No
disrespect to this restaurant, but I think one of the goals of our
challenge is to put NYC back on top, and leave the imitators further
down the list where they belong.

We're not in Manhattan anymore...

The location of the Bronx's Italian areas is not ideal for our
challenge, as many of these neighborhoods, such as Belmont and Morris
Park, are situated in the northern part of the borough.  Nevertheless,
we are determined to trek out to the neighborhood of Pelham Bay to
savor a Bronx Slice.  It won't be the easiest leg of our journey but
we think the rave reviews we hear about Louie and Ernie's Pizza make a
trip to the end of the 6 line easier to digest.

Getting close up and personal with this delicious celebrity

The pizzeria is located in the basement of a white frame house and
operated by the family that lives above it.  Creamy mozzarella and
grated cheese is served on a thin crust, producing regular pies that
are among the best in the city.  Louie and Ernie's is also praised for
its white ricotta slices and sausage pizza.  We have the feeling that
one bite of this slice will dispel any doubt that Bronx Pizza belongs
near the top of our list, as well as Google's.

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